24 weeks pregnant!


Two more weeks and the second trimester will be done! Time flies so fast, I can’t believe how little is left. Also – can’t wait for maternity leave, so I don’t have to work and can be lazy (lazier). I’m not getting much work anyway, but then I wouldn’t be tied to the work computer.

There isn’t much of pregnancy symptoms to tell, or maybe I’ve just gotten used to them. Still sometimes feel stabbing pains in the tummy, but quite rarely and not as bad, so the extra magnesium supplement has helped. I’m taking extra iron supplement too, and will see if that improves my blood test results when I next do them. Another annoying thing is the itchy skin on the bump, but for some reason it has gotten less itchy (or, again, maybe I’ve gotten used to it). Emotionally I still can get upset by small things, and my mood gets spoiled a lot if my partner starts being cranky or bickering about unimportant things.

One of the things to get upset about was coming up with clothes to wear out on a summery day. Comfortable and good-looking is getting harder and harder to achieve. I have significantly less amount of T-shirts that I can wear because most of them have gotten too short and my bump is hanging out. However, I’m not going to buy new summery clothes because summer is almost over anyway.

[caution – disgusting paragraph] I got shocked a little about my boobs. They haven’t gotten too big or anything, and I was looking at them one day and thinking – how the hell is there going to be milk coming out of these? I can’t see anywhere that they could come out of, as my nipples are just solid flesh. Sounds stupid, but I can’t find and see any holes or dents or anything of that sort that would expel the milk after the baby is born. So, being curious, I squeezed one boob, and to my surprise and shock, a drop of clear liquid came out of the nipple, and not the middle of it, but the corner! Squeezed the other boob, and the same happened, but the liquid came out from two spots on the nipple. Well, that was exciting for me. 😀 Every day is a school day, I guess, and it’s weird seeing my body do that. Also, it was a bit reassuring, I am now certain that I won’t have problems with breastfeeding or with absence of cholostrum/milk when baby is born. So there you go, some detailed, disturbing and weird nipple discharge discoveries from me! 😀

The baby is quite active, I’ve gotten used to him fluttering his extremities in my tummy, and not only can I feel the movements, I often also see them. Makes me feel proud and happy.

A little problem that I have with myself is eating. Because my stomach and all other intestines are pushed up and squeezed in, I have to eat small portions of food frequently instead of 2-3 normal sized meals. I’m finding it difficult to do because I just don’t get hungry that fast and don’t feel like eating often. But when I do, I can’t stop eating, I don’t feel full and want more, more and more. Only when I have stopped, in 10 minutes it dawns on me how much too much I’ve eaten – I almost can’t move or be active, breathe heavy, and every smallest burp feels like could be more than just an innocent burp. 😀 I need to learn modesty when it comes to meals.

Ever since I’ve gotten pregnant, I think some sort of baby mania is happening to me. Whenever I’m out, my eyes are like scanners for other pregnant women, I always notice them, even if they are early in their pregnancy and it is barely noticeable. Well, there is also a children’s playground in the park next to my home, so not much surprise there. But it doesn’t stop there. Nature is also showing me babies all the time. At my home I have an orchid-type plant that never blooms. It had one tiny flower when I moved to my previous flat, but other than that, no action at all. Now, not only has it bloomed, but full on with many flowers. Also my two aloe veras are both having babies. So my plants are following my suit. 🙂 It’s not just plants – also babies of birds have been kind of in my face. When me and my partner visited his parents in the UK, we had a nest of house martins right above our window, which had baby martins. On the second day of us being there, the baby birds were learning to fly, bumping into the window and clumsily landing on the windowsill outside. That was very cute. 🙂 Then another day we went on a walk to a canal about an hour’s walk away, and of course, there were ducks in the canal, and of course, also ducklings. Nothing that special, it is the season after all. We fed the birds some bread, and afterwards sat down on one of the benches next to the water. And then, the most surprising thing happened – the mother duck and its ducklings came out of the water, not just anywhere, but right where we were sitting, in front of us, and started rearranging and tidying their feathers, in order to go on a nap! I haven’t seen anything like that before – usually animals are more timid than that and at least would have chosen a different spot for napping. To me all these occurrences are just fascinating, and I see them as good omens and blessings from nature for me and my little mini-me. It is all so sweet and touches my heart. 🙂

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